Terms and Conditions

ClickAhead Marketing Limited (Trading as Fast Repair)


These Terms and Conditions regulate the provision of repair and maintenance services facilitated by ClickAhead Marketing Limited, henceforth referred to as “Fast Repair,” to its customers. Fast Repair operates by introducing customers to independent contractors and also by engaging subcontractors to perform work directly. By utilizing our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Section 1: Services Conducted by Subcontractors

Service Provision 1a. Fast Repair is responsible for services conducted directly by its subcontractors. 1b. Subcontractors are engaged under Fast Repair to provide services on its behalf and are subject to Fast Repair’s vetting and approval process. 1c. Fast Repair guarantees the quality of work performed by subcontractors and will rectify at no extra cost to the customer any work that does not meet agreed-upon standards.

Payments 2a. Customers shall make payments for services rendered by subcontractors according to the invoice issued by Fast Repair. 2b. Fast Repair is responsible for the remuneration of its subcontractors for services provided.

Liability and Indemnification 3a. Fast Repair accepts liability for direct damages caused by the negligence or failure of its subcontractors, limited to the cost of the service provided. 3b. Customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless ClickAhead Marketing Limited (Fast Repair), its directors, employees, and subcontractors, to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of England & Wales, against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages, and losses (including legal fees) arising out of or in connection to the services provided.

Insurance 4a. Fast Repair ensures that all engaged subcontractors possess current public liability insurance to provide protection against unforeseen incidents related to the services provided.

Section 2: Services Facilitated through Independent Contractors

Service Introduction 1a. Fast Repair acts solely as an introducer between customers and independent contractors, facilitating connections for a commission from the contractor. 1b. There are no fees charged to customers by Fast Repair for the introduction service.

Independent Contractor Relationship 2a. Independent contractors are not employees or agents of Fast Repair. They operate as separate entities. 2b. While Fast Repair performs due diligence on contractors, the responsibility for service quality rests with the independent contractor.

Payment and Dispute Resolution 3a. Customers are required to pay the independent contractor directly for services rendered. 3b. Fast Repair is not responsible for resolving payment disputes between customers and independent contractors, though it may assist in initial mediation efforts.

Liability 4a. Fast Repair shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or claims resulting from services provided by independent contractors. 4b. Customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless ClickAhead Marketing Limited (Fast Repair) against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages, and losses arising out of or in connection with the services provided by independent contractors.

Section 3: Services Provided by Directly Employed Workers

Employment and Service Provision 3a. Directly employed workers are engaged by Fast Repair under a contract of employment and are subject to the company’s control, supervision, and direction in the performance of their duties. 3b. Fast Repair is responsible for the training, professional development, and performance management of directly employed workers to ensure high standards of service delivery. 3c. Directly employed workers are fully insured by Fast Repair, covering public liability and professional indemnity to safeguard against claims arising from the services provided.

Quality Assurance and Compliance 4a. Fast Repair commits to ongoing quality assurance processes to monitor, evaluate, and improve the services provided by directly employed workers. 4b. Compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations is mandatory for directly employed workers, ensuring a safe working environment for both workers and customers. 4c. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback on the services received from directly employed workers, which will be used to inform continuous improvement efforts.

Liability and Indemnification 5a. Fast Repair accepts full responsibility for the actions, omissions, and professional conduct of its directly employed workers while they are performing services for customers. 5b. Customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless ClickAhead Marketing Limited (Fast Repair), its directors, employees (including directly employed workers), and agents, to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of England & Wales, against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages, and losses (including legal fees) arising out of or in connection with the services provided by directly employed workers. 5c. In the event of a claim arising from the services provided by a directly employed worker, Fast Repair will manage the resolution process, including any necessary remedial actions, compensation, or legal proceedings.

Payments and Invoicing 6a. Services provided by directly employed workers will be invoiced directly by Fast Repair to the customer, in accordance with the agreed pricing and payment terms at the time of booking. 6b. All payments for services rendered by directly employed workers must be made to Fast Repair, which is responsible for the remuneration of its employees. 6c. Fast Repair provides clear, transparent, and upfront pricing for services provided by directly employed workers, with no hidden fees or charges.

General Terms

Amendments 1a. Fast Repair reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time, with the latest version always available on our website.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction 2a. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England & Wales. 2b. Disputes arising under these Terms and Conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England & Wales.

Cancellation Policy 3a. The cancellation policy outlined at the time of booking applies to all services. Late cancellations may incur charges as specified.

Privacy Policy 4a. Fast Repair is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and contractors in accordance with its Privacy Policy, detailing the collection, use, and protection of personal information.

Dispute Resolution 7a. In the event of a dispute arising from the services provided by Fast Repair, including those performed by directly employed workers, independent contractors, or subcontractors, efforts will be made to resolve the issue through mediation. 7b. Should mediation not achieve a satisfactory resolution, the dispute will be escalated to arbitration or legal proceedings in accordance with the laws of England & Wales.

Termination of Services 8a. Fast Repair reserves the right to terminate the provision of services, under any of the categories outlined in these Terms and Conditions, if a customer fails to comply with these terms, engages in illegal activities, or exhibits behavior that is deemed abusive or unsafe towards workers or contractors. 8b. Customers may terminate the services agreement in accordance with the cancellation policy outlined by Fast Repair, subject to any applicable cancellation fees or charges

By utilizing the services provided by Fast Repair, including those performed by directly employed workers, independent contractors, or subcontractors, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. Fast Repair is committed to providing high-quality repair and maintenance services, with a focus on customer satisfaction, safety, and compliance with the laws of England & Wales.